Ohio Commercial Fishermen Insurance Policy Information

OH Commercial Fishermen Insurance

Ohio Commercial Fishermen Insurance. Tuna, salmon, crab, lobster, clam, scallops; the sea provides a bounty of food, and as a commercial fishermen, you play a vital role in supplying food to people around the globe.

Whether you operate a small outfit with just a few vessels and supply fresh seafood to local markets, or you are the proprietor of a national or international operation with a large fleet of vessels and you supply seafood to markets around the globe, you need to make sure that your business is properly protected.

How do you do that? By investing in the right type of Ohio commercial fishermen insurance.

Commercial fishermen catch and trap fish and shellfish, including carp, cod, flounder, herring, salmon, sardines, tuna, clams, crab, lobsters, scallops, shrimp, and squid. The business may be owned by a family or a large corporation.

Equipment used include cranes, dredges, nets, poles, traps, and trolling lines. Fish and shellfish are highly perishable and must be kept from deteriorating between the time of capture and pickup by a processor, restaurant, retail store, or wholesaler.

Aboard the fishing vessel, the fish may be gutted and washed, then chilled or iced in refrigerated containers or salted until delivered to shore. Shellfish may be kept alive in tanks while on the vessel.